Our Activities Department is awesome! And others in Minnesota think so, too. They were recently honored by Leading Age* of Minnesota for their outstanding service to our residents . According to Leading Age, “The award recognizes individuals and staff teams in aging services settings who demonstrate their commitment to safe, quality care and to treating the people they serve with respect and dignity – always.”
Our Activities team provides group activities that engage our residents in things they truly enjoy. They take time to customize visits and encounters with residents who aren’t as fond of group activities. They provide guest visitors and entertainers, intergenerational activities, special event activities – sometimes because there is an event, like Halloween or Thanksgiving, and sometimes just because “it would be fun.”

They welcome the community to join us for walks along the lake and holiday sing alongs. They apply for grants such as receiving the Tri-Shaw bike, and teach residents how to use Virtual Reality headsets, and decorate for every occasion. They share smiles and laughs – and even a few tears – with our Grand-friends and their families. Activities and events are joy-filled, and all staff are invited to share the fun with our Grand-friends.
When we praise them for their wonderful program, after a thank you, you’ll usually hear: “That’s just what Activities’ people do.”
We are proud of our Activities Department – they are a great group of women who really seem to love what they do… and who they do it for!
*Leading Age is the Minnesota Nursing Home Trade Association to which Divine Providence belongs. See their full article.