The idea for a Catholic Nursing home in Sleepy Eye came from Fr. Stephen Adrian, the pastor at St. Mary’s Church in the late 1950’s. After securing an agreement with the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence, Fr. Adrian offered the current location to the Sisters for the building of the Home. His help didn’t stop there. Fr. Adrian then gathered the ladies of the parish into a volunteer group called the Divine Providence Ladies’ Auxiliary. Before the Sisters even arrived, the Ladies were hard at work making curtains and other finishing touches to “make the house a Home.” Their tradition of dedicated assistance has continued throughout the decades, celebrating more than 60 years of presence in the Community.
The ways they help at Divine seem countless, but let’s try…
Everyone loves a party, and the Ladies’ Auxiliary puts on a great party every month for all of our residents who are celebrating birthdays that month. The gathering includes bingo (one of our favorite games!) or entertainment, birthday cake, and flowers for the women (chocolate for the men) who are celebrating their birthday that month.
The Gift and Card Shop at Divine is another service offered by the Ladies’ Auxiliary. The Cards are beautifully displayed in the main foyer near the reception desk. The Card Shop provides a wide selection of cards for birthdays, holidays, well-wishes and greetings, which makes it easy for our residents to keep in touch with the people they love. The Gift Shop, located next to the Activities Room in the Mall, offers a variety of religious and hand-made gifts for all the special occasions in life.
And for those dedicated to serious shopping, the Ladies’ Auxiliary hosts the annual Fall Bazaar, a combination of crafts, quilts, Silent Auction items, and baked goods that kick off the Christmas holiday season in a grand way. Where do all the crafts, quilts and baked goods come from? You guessed it: the Ladies of the Auxiliary. The day also includes a delicious Roast Beef Dinner in the Lake Villa Café.
Aside from the fun and excitement of the Annual Bazaar and other fund-raising works of the Auxiliary, their labors benefit our Home in lasting ways. Proceeds have been used for many big-ticket items over the years, including a whirl-pool bathing system, new medications carts, the wander-guard system, and electric lift beds, to name just a few. They have also provided free Cable TV to all of our residents for as long as we can remember.
The Ladies’ Auxiliary is a fun group who contribute greatly to the well-being and happiness of our residents. Sound like something you’d like to be a part of? Contact us for more information.