You’ve probaby heard the good news that “outdoor” visits at Nursing Homes are now officially permitted by the State. However, you might not be aware of the restrictions surrounding these visits. We’ve added a link to the guidance below.
For your convenience, here is quick summary:
First, since we are required to “monitor” visits, the State reserves the right for us to limit visiting hours and visit durations. Continuing our prior practice, all visits must be arranged through our Activities department. Efforts will be made to meet your scheduling preferences, but there may be occasions when we will be unable to accommodate your requests. We thank you in advance for your understanding.
Second, thanks to our spacious grounds, we have a variety of areas that lend themselves well to outdoor visits. Because of this, residents sometimes arrange their own “through the gate” outdoor visits in the courtyards. In our efforts to accomodate as many residents as possible, we are asking family members to bring their own chairs if they are visiting anywhere other than by the beauty shop.
Finally, the unique feature of COVID is that those infected with it can be symptom-free for up to 14-day, all the while carrying and shedding the COVID virus. For this reason, it is imperative that visitors wear face masks and stay six feet away from all residents throughout the visit. The “as tolerate” clause for face masks in the guidance is for residents only, and hugs and kisses still aren’t allowed. We are grateful to our many families who have been wonderfully compliant with these challenging requirements. We ask for your continued cooperation in the months ahead.
As always, our prayers are with you and all your loved ones for safety, good health, and countless blessings.